Build a scoring app embedded on Teams with a Power BI dashboard for case competition

2 min readAug 6, 2020


Many organizations use Hackathons for branding and sourcing purposes, aiming to recruit the best candidates and discover new ideas to solve business problems. However, how to make the process easy to build and scale can be troublesome, especially for the scoring. For example, how to collect judgments and feedback in a modernized way? how to minimize the administration effort? Nowadays, the life cycle of solutions and apps are getting shorter, sometimes it’s not cost-effective to build an app from scratch.

I end-up using Power Platform, the low code solution from Microsoft, to build a scoring app and integrate with Teams. The solution not only modernized the process but also smooth the customer experience. With the solution, the judges no longer need to bring pens and papers walking around and calculate the score by themselves, and the organizer can have peace of mind without any hassle.



  • Power BI Pro
  • Teams
  • Power App

An integrated experience for your custom apps inside Teams

Quickly build and deploy apps inside Teams, including sharing and administrating.

With Dataflex (previously known as Common Data Service, the built-in data platform of Power Platform), there is no need to connect to a database so that you can optimize business processes, drive greater collaboration, and improve efficiency.

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Written by 雲端架構師|中途筆記


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